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Trying to Get Home

A half-way house for the weary Kindred, this old tavern is set back off the road in its own grounds, in the heart of the countryside. Nominally still in Reading's catchment area, and thus sanctuary, this beautiful ivy-climbed cottage is Kindred-friendly (and Kindred approved!). It is a sprawling barn conversion with twenty light-tight quaint rooms, two wings and a central lounge area overlooked by the balcony of the story above. There are small parlours and a library. Outside, a split carriage path winds around a wishing well, leading to the stables and the apple orchid at the back. Beyond the orchid, is a dark forest. No one knows how the cottage stays clean.

Re: Trying to Get Home

Postby Andross Blint » Mon Mar 23, 2020 7:51 pm

The topic seemingly changing, Andross gives a slight nod to acknowledge his part in the questioning done with for now. Only offering a polite "Good evening" to Angelina as he passes towards the other rooms in search of Keane and his idiot Anton.
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Re: Trying to Get Home

Postby Uriah » Tue Apr 07, 2020 1:22 am

Uriah nods in an ever so slightly dismissive fashion at Daciana's comments on the investigation.

"Indeed it must." He says, closing the topic for now.

He looks over finally noticing Angelina. How wonderful, another Neonate

"Quite right, perhaps some new blood is exactly what this evenings conversation requires. You may begin by furnishing us with an introduction. Then, as my fine friend here has requested, tell us your story"

To those that can see, his aura takes on the strange faint qualities of both whimsy and hunger.
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Re: Trying to Get Home

Postby Bronwyn93 » Tue Apr 07, 2020 6:56 pm

Angelina stopped looking around for a seat when she was told to sit. She wanted to hesitate and decline the seat, but realised it was not a request but a command. She moved quietly with her head down, dipping into a curtsey before carefully perching on the seat indicated, her hand on her knees, fingers curled comfortingly around her diary, and her eyes cast down at her lap feeling extremely out of place.

She glanced up, and had to hesitate a moment for her introduction. "Good evening, I am Angelina Fontaine, Neonate of clan Toreador." She introduced with a shy dip of her head. As for the request for something interesting about her she was about to give her usual response but was beaten to it and had to catch herself.

"Uhm, is there anything you would find interesting? I have only been released a year, so I am not sure there would be much that has happened in my short time that would interest anyone here. I mean... My sire is the Toreador Primogen Verity, in Aquae Sulis..." She tried to find something of interest she could say so she wasn't just answering with "nothing" as she was instructed not to.
Angelina Fontaine, Neonate, Toreador
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