Valentina appears to be about to say something, but pauses then clearly decides not to say whatever it was, with a small shake of her head.
"A letter inviting her to meet with you might be a good first step? Take care to arrange a meeting you think will be delightful to your proposed companion, even if it is not your most favoured activity. From their, pay close attention to them and their movements. Generally people telegraph what the want, but subtle movements can be just as informative with a little practise."
She lets out a little laugh at the mention of Jerome. "Darling, I don't think Elder Price is going to be overly concerned. Based on previous conversations I rather think he's all in favour of personal exploration..." And she smiles, possibly at them, possibly at a memory. "As for your Sire... Need you mention it at all? Currently all you are thinking of is a mild flirtation with a lady, hardly something to write home about, is it?" And she nods encouragingly as she speaks.
The slip of name doesn't escape Valentina, but she chooses not to call attention to it. "Perhaps, should you have a successful meeting you could come back and tell me all about it, so I can guide you toward another successful meeting? And I gratefully accept your boon fo course darling, thank-you."