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Ad Sumus

While there may be quieter establishments where Opium and the like can be found, where women can service gentlemen in clubs that are looked the other way from by the populace, here no such guise or illusion is maintained. It’s the heart of the dark world and hedonistic mess that is human need... at least surface-side. There's no scotch, but you can settle for a gin and fizzless tonic - or be bold and go for one of the unnamed drinks. The humans here have been coined "The Surprise Buffet" of the south by Kindred daring (or uncaring) enough to sample them. With drugs and drink running high in the blood, it's a bit of a gamble for what you'll get, but given this is the heart of Nosferatu territory, those hunting don't typically care. All tastes are accounted for, if you don't order none of that posh wine or gentlemen's crap, that is. Not for the faint of heart, The Long Drop brings southern Bathonians together in a heaving, belching, sweating mess of criminal trade and varied excitement. Closed during the day, it's no wonder the Kindred like it.

Re: Ad Sumus

Postby L . » Thu Jun 20, 2019 10:43 pm

L listens with rapt interest, taking her nose from Andross' collar but otherwise she leans only partly back, keeping the space between them deliberately minimal.

"I couldn't agree more - on one part. True risk is part of any good journey. I've never found a path worth travelling that wasn't a challenge worth its pain; the best paths take you to the edge of yourself, to the upper limits of who or what you can recognise. When all roads lead to Rome, it's best to take some beaten footpath off all known maps. Otherwise, all you'll ever walk is a path into the cookie cutter mould of your Clan, and its dreary expectations. One point. You are at five. I, four."

"I am more than double the age you suggest. One point loss."

"I am a predator when I need defend what I cherish. I care little for vengeance, although I have cared enormously for freedom." Her pitch drops into a whisper, and breath rasps under a low hiss. "I do not like domination. I do not like Dominate nor aggrseively dominant people. I do not enjoy subjugating another's will, body or life. Seeing others subjugated thus, regardless of the act or whim of the subjugator, is repulsive. I do not thrill from it like some deviant. Nor do I practice it in any manner - except once under self defence, and from that moment on I chose a different arsenal, sharpened it beyond what others thought possible."

"I think the urgency behind any person's need to control another's actions to the extent possible among Cainites, is indicative of the weakest kind of souls, and each is made blacker for its use in the Discipline. Two point loss."

L straightens up. "That puts you on two, and I on four. Let's see," she taps her lips.

"This woman. She is dominant, and you have a rare positive relationship with her. You, unlike me, enjoy being dominated."
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Re: Ad Sumus

Postby Andross Blint » Thu Jun 20, 2019 11:08 pm

"Oh well, a few points lost for a nice gain of information, you surprise me to slip like that. It must have been some terrible matters to have bound it that deeply in your memories, i apologise for bringing it to the front of your mind."

He offers a moment of silence to allow the air to clear before he continues.

"Yes, quite true, i enjoy being dominated by women who know how to repect the dominance i am allowing them. I hold no enjoyment for those that merely seek to inflict pain and superiority over others for their own sense of self worth. One point, so two versus five. Were you providing me with a chance to catch up with just that single question?

If you are perhaps more than double my suggested age, do you perhaps remember the years of paganism when Mythras was waging his attempts to control Britain? Is this why you wish to seek information on the coming storm?"
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Re: Ad Sumus

Postby L . » Thu Jun 20, 2019 11:33 pm

"Slip?" L spikes a winged eyebrow. "Why do you think I'm anything but public with this opinion? It's an emotional one, but one I am candid with."

"Originally I cared nothing for pagan Britain, or pagan anything. I was Christian, and though my travelling companion might state otherwise, I lost my faith years ago. Pantheon wars and other nation's gods appealed even less than my own."

There's something about it which doesn't ring true, but L goes into no further detail.

"I won't take a point for that, clumsy thouugh it is - not everyone is here for Mithras, you know, and not everyone wants to control this hodgepodge backwater place - but I am here in a roundabout way for a purpose that is by proxy linked to what you're talking about. I - think. We shouldn't talk about it here, mind."

"I've spent the latter half of my unlife travelling, but Britain? No, this is a first. I can't say I like the weather, or the smog. Bath is fairer than London for industry smoke, but neither is especially... clear of it, you know? It's a bit strange, but I've almost gotten used to fields and inns, and clean air. I would take a warm bed and hot bath any night, but if the exchange is years in Court and pressure from all high, I'll stick to cloaks, carriages, and the occasional soggy horse."

"I shouldn't have made the stakes so high. Now I'll struggle to get to twelve. Should we change the game or do you find yourself full of more insights?"
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Re: Ad Sumus

Postby Andross Blint » Thu Jun 20, 2019 11:47 pm

"While the difficulty of a game is part of its fun, mayhaps a new game would prove more entertaining."

He sips some more from his glass

"Yes we shall hold more of that discussion for a later point.

What game and rules would you suggest for continuing to see who gets their answers?"
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Andross Blint
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Re: Ad Sumus

Postby L . » Thu Jun 20, 2019 11:50 pm

"Heavens I don't know, walk with me, I'll think better on my feet."

L gets up and abandons her drink.

"Show me something in this city. We'll talk there. Don't be getting any exciting ideas, this is just information I'd share with a stranger, but we can't discuss anything in a bar like this."
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Re: Ad Sumus

Postby Andross Blint » Thu Jun 20, 2019 11:59 pm

Andross drinks down the remainder of his glass before getting up.

"Certainly, then if you'll follow me, there's some wilderness to the south good for walking. Goodnfornhearing if you're alone too."

He picks up his bag and walks out without looking back assuming she follows.
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Andross Blint
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