In the narrow thorough-fares and snickle-ways of the town underneath life would still be teeming even at this ungodly hour of the day irrespective of the weather above. Soon though the city would start to rouse itself from its slumber topside. Even the coldest, darkest and most hellish of nights such as these were of little deterrent to the workers and lower classes of the city. Fear of their masters mingled with duty and obligation amongst the worries of putting food onto tables and surviving to see another day. The silence of the long, dark winter nights was a pleasure to be savoured and drunk in like a fine wine. Where others cursed and spat at the terrible weather that afflicted the city he enjoyed its presence however fleeting it may be. There was a type of safety in it not oft allowed to Kindred kind. The freezing cold and driving winds sent those of richer means inside to seek out shelter and the warmth of a burning fire early in the day if they dared to even venture outside their doors. Those that did cared not for the foolishness of others braving the weather for they were too busy cursing their own idiocy. Footprints that were left in their wake quickly disappeared from view leaving no trace of their passing as snow, hail and sleet fell from the heavens above with a force that was hard to believe was anything but a grave indication of Gods displeasure with Mankind.
Despite the relative safety afforded to those unaffected by the freezing weather and the absence of life because of it the Elders passage was still hidden from sight and mind. Foolish risks were not a thing that allowed any Kindred to exist for any length of time, let alone to see centuries pass. The fierce winds that whistled and blew would have sent a weaker creature bowling through the snow and ice surrounding him but even for one of his ilk the going was slow. Each step was still savoured, each blustery gust welcomed like an old friend until he eventually reached the first of his destinations. There was little point in leaving the gift behind; it would be swallowed into the hungry whiteness within seconds or simply blown away to be devoured by the darkness that lurked beyond the white veil. It was the pilgrimage though that mattered, the giving of the gift that had meaning, to remember those that were cared for.
It had been said in the ignorance of Youth that you can’t understand what it is to be human by simply watching. The thought brought a twitch of a smile to ancient lips. There had been a time in nights long past where such a thought had filled his mind and opinions. To suffer is to be human; something that could always be viewed in abundance amongst the Kine. To assist the one kindness granted within the terrible Curse laid upon Kindred by Gods own hand; suffering was an inherent presence upon the mind, body and soul of the Damned, always and forever. Crooked fingers delicately brushed snow and ice away; a fruitless action that bore no visible result but it gave fleeting respite from a weight that had recently been laid upon his heart and soul.
Civilisations rise and civilisations fall. In the wake of destruction new paths are forged and civilisations begin anew. A gentle push here, a whispered word there, favours to be collected, the passing of a subtle knife in the dark, all of these things and more would shape what was to come. Debts still outstanding would help form the foundations of that which was to rise once paid. At the dawning of the new, sincere apologies and solemn promises were whispered and whipped away by the wind.
To be human often carried the greatest of costs; a terrible price that should always be paid.