by Jean-Jacques » Sat Mar 28, 2020 10:13 am
Jean-Jacques idly watches the to and fro between those present
why doesn’t this deplore me anymore? In times past I’d be leaping to her aid, she is a natural target of these predators, even those that make plays to defend her are themselves smothering....still yet I feel....nothing.....or do I , What is it that I feel, because since that embrace, the enlightenment I do feel, yes I feel
He looks towards Lucius
I envy you, your bravado, the lights of the theatre upon you, when you sleep what do you dream of I wonder, perhaps I shall peek, haha
His focus changes as he glances casually around those present
Right shut the fuck up there is a game afoot and don’t fuck up the answer this time..... yes dad
“Pride “
He turns to Grace, pausing as he considers
Well what to say, Borodino, Austerlitz, Marat’s death, Napoleon, Voltaire, they are superficial ah...
“The thing I most associate pride with is something that I may have done that others may view with emotion, as such it would be from my days as a kine, leaving my fathers farm, travelling to Paris, becoming a gentleman officer which is a distant memory that I associate with pride, pride that my kin would see me better myself”