Laurence raises one eyebrow
"Well, being biased is one of the privileges of having free will is it not Lady Granville?"
There is a fractional shift in body language as Laurence acknowledges Grace's nudge. Turning to address the two Toreodor Neonates.
"Lady's, it's my pleasure to make your acquaintance. I don't believe I have been formally introduced to either of you, excepting the general greeting Miss Angelina gave to the room at that other little gathering. You may call me Ancilla Stoker or Mr Stoker, whatever suits you."
He smiles warmly at the two, looking to see if either had made any purchases.
"What would I be King of?"...Laurence's eyes turn back to Grace and several immediate thoughts go through his head but are discarded out of hand "..hmm...a difficult choice to make. Most of my skill sets are exceeded by another who attended the Salon. I would perhaps say the King of charting unknown territory?"
Happy to take Grace's arm, Laurence gives Andross a nod.
"Ancilla Blint, a pleasure to see you on this fine night."
At the mention of the second hand book seller, Laurence becomes more animated. Outwardly waiting patiently to see if the others are done but with a desire to move on to the new stalls present in his aura.