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Deputy Sheriff

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Deputy Sheriff

Postby Regulus Grey » Mon Dec 11, 2017 9:21 pm

I was curious as to whether there were any status's or such that went with being a deputy sheriff?
Regulus Grey
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Re: Deputy Sheriff

Postby Matthias » Wed Dec 13, 2017 12:32 pm

Nope, don't believe so. It's not like the Lesser Harpy Position in that regard from what's written in the rulebook under the Sherrif position (p379/380).

Unless there's a typo and it's included/detailed in some errata somewhere?

Nothing to stop the Sherrif giving you some Fleeting Status though if they want to/can.

Re: Deputy Sheriff

Postby Francis Beauclair » Sat Feb 03, 2018 10:27 pm

The sheriff has the ability to name 2 other kindred as defender for a night allowing them to bear arms in Elysium if he wishes. There is no requirement or assumption however that he will do so.
Marcus Diddius Falco
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Francis Beauclair
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