While there may be quieter establishments where Opium and the like can be found, where women can service gentlemen in clubs that are looked the other way from by the populace, here no such guise or illusion is maintained. It’s the heart of the dark world and hedonistic mess that is human need... at least surface-side. There's no scotch, but you can settle for a gin and fizzless tonic - or be bold and go for one of the unnamed drinks. The humans here have been coined "The Surprise Buffet" of the south by Kindred daring (or uncaring) enough to sample them. With drugs and drink running high in the blood, it's a bit of a gamble for what you'll get, but given this is the heart of Nosferatu territory, those hunting don't typically care. All tastes are accounted for, if you don't order none of that posh wine or gentlemen's crap, that is. Not for the faint of heart, The Long Drop brings southern Bathonians together in a heaving, belching, sweating mess of criminal trade and varied excitement. Closed during the day, it's no wonder the Kindred like it.
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